Getting lean, and staying lean for life, is a LOT like the intention needed on the path to financial freedom (and becoming a millionaire).
Here’s why what you do every day matters. You see, your daily actions either add to - or take away from - your overall wellness. My passion is helping women build a foundation for permanent change. You see, being healthy and thriving is a side effect of lifestyle. It doesn't happen by accident. It's a by-product of our input, our combined small daily efforts and this doesn't just mean what we eat. It includes how we live.
Playing the lottery with your money to try to become rich is like seeking out the fad diets to lose weight for good … rather than creating lasting habits with your nutrition, mindset and movement.
And remember: How we live may be even more important than what we eat.
Waking up each day - hoping to weigh less or have less of a muffin top doesn't translate into losing fat/weight. It's kinda like HOPING to be a millionaire and buying a lottery ticket faithfully each week. That doesn't guarantee you anything or move the needle towards better lifestyle habits that generate more money. In fact - it more times than not COSTS you money. But - making a plan, creating a budget and sticking to it consistently DOES lend a far better chance of gaining financial freedom by becoming a millionaire.
Being lean consistently for life, not just after a 3-month diet is a LOT like becoming a millionaire. It's NOT just something we can make happen in the short term, nor can we hope to maintain it if we "strike it rich" with a get quick scheme if we don't learn the discipline, the habits, along the way that we need to maintain it.
Leanness, much like millionaire status, emerges as a "side-effect" of our lifestyle choices, our mindset, and our daily actions.
I've maintained my 20-pound weight loss for 5 years now ... AND my husband and I have crafted a life free of debt. But this wasn’t always the case. I am the money manager in our marriage and honestly - I went through some dark, rather sloppy financial years when our kids were little. We lived paycheck to paycheck, spending anywhere, any amount, without any thought or awareness. We ate out weekly, I never planned my exercise, or my meals. I kinda winged our daily life - week in and week out. This worked - and I hummed along - until I realized we were saving NOTHING outside of retirement, I weighed the most I’d ever weighed in my life, I was miserable in my body, I didn’t feel good, I didn’t sleep well, and we were basically living paycheck to paycheck. The ONLY thing that saved us was my auto-pilot habits of saving for retirement that had been instilled in me in my early twenties (thanks to my Mom!).
When I began my own health coaching journey back in 2014, I realized our family habits around money, just like nutrition, mindset, and exercise, needed attention. I'd been pretty much spending everything that came in, shy of our retirement savings. If it came in - it went out - without any intention. I realized, much like my grocery shopping and planning my workouts - I needed to tell my money where to go. THIS gave me permission to spend. And that my friend, is a liberating thing! This enabled us to pay cash for our *new to us* pickup truck this summer. I parallel this to the “planned indulgences” I encourage my clients to enjoy. If you plan for it and allow space for it, you often can enjoy it. Our cars are paid off; we owe no one except for our house note. I follow Dave Ramsey’s baby steps and we are in baby step 6 (of 7). Next stop - being totally debt-free with NO house debt.
Money - mindset - nutrition - lifestyle - movement - it all goes hand in hand. And it starts with your daily, consistent actions.
It can be overwhelming to know where to start, I know. But you owe it to yourself to just start. Start small. Do ONE thing - and then another. And look - you'll have done TWO things to move you just a little bit closer.
This January I’ll be hosting a very do-able New Year, New You party inside my private Facebook Community. The best part? It’s FREE! Inside this special free month long support party we’ll take daily actions to build a foundation for permanent change. So click here to join the group … and you’ll be all set to join in these small daily actions that help you build a foundation towards a lasting healthy lifestyle. As a bonus you’ll be joining a group of women who will support you, uplift and encourage you every step of the way!
We start January 1!